Department of Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis

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Department of Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis


Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that involves the use of electrical energy for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. At college, our Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis program provides students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to utilize various forms of electrical stimulation and diagnostic techniques to treat a wide range of conditions, from pain management to muscle re-education.

Program Objectives

The Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis program aims to:

  • Develop a thorough understanding of the principles and applications of electrotherapy in clinical practice.
  • Equip students with the skills to safely and effectively use electrotherapy modalities for pain relief, tissue healing, muscle strengthening, and nerve stimulation.
  • Teach the fundamentals of electrodiagnosis, including nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG), to assess neuromuscular disorders.
  • Promote the development of clinical reasoning skills for selecting appropriate electrotherapy techniques based on patient assessment and evidence-based practice.
  • Foster a deep understanding of the physiological effects of electrical stimulation and its role in rehabilitation.